Thursday, March 1, 2012


This is one of the most common questions asked. You are not the only one wondering if you will be experiencing pain when you initially get your braces on and during the course of treatment. 
Most people are pleasantly surprised at how little discomfort there is. The actual process of getting the braces on you will find very easy. We have even had patients fall asleep while getting them on. You can expect to have some tenderness for a week or so after they are placed. Taking Tylenol or what you usually take for discomfort helps alleviate the tenderness. Getting used to them in your mouth takes awhile. You will be given some soft wax to place over the braces. This is typically only needed for the first few weeks and then the inside of your mouth gets used to them.
Because of the newer technology the orthodontic wires are very thin and gentle and the braces are very small making the whole experience much easier than in the past. 
The bottom line is, it will all be worth it when you see that beautiful healthy smile when the braces come off!
George Orthodontics

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Can I Afford Orthodontics?

This is a question many people ask, especially in this day and age. Who hasn't been effected by this economy we have been experiencing? I believe I am safe in saying, hardly anyone. The two biggest questions our patients and their parents ask is how long will treatment take and how much will it cost? 
Dr. George knows first hand the struggles that families go through to make ends meet. He and his brothers and sister were brought up by a single mom that had to struggle to make every penny count. He realizes that not every families budget fits into a neat little payment plan. Every family is unique, therefore he chooses to work with families on an individual basis.
When you come in for your complimentary orthodontic exam Dr. George will explain the orthodontic treatment and give you an estimate of the time the treatment will take. The treatment coordinator will work with you, and together you will choose the best payment option for you and your family.

Our goal is to create beautiful healthy smiles that will last a lifetime. Call us today and schedule a complimentary exam. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover that orthodontics will fit into your budget and you can be on your way to that big beautiful smile you have always wanted. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jeddrah Goes to School

We are excited to announce that we now have an in office orthodontic lab. Jeddrah is not only a clinical assistant but she has been doing Dr. George’s study models for many years. Dr. George sent Jeddrah to Great Lakes Orthodontic School in New York for further training. She will be making our retainers, soldered appliances, and custom sport mouth guards. What a bonus this will be for George Orthodontics and our patients!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stay On Course

Before you begin your orthodontic treatment, Dr. George will give you an estimate on approximately how long you will be in your braces. This is an estimate because everyone’s teeth move at a different pace. There are things you can do to help get your braces off in a timely matter.

  1. Keep your teeth clean and spotless. Clean teeth do not decay. If you do get a cavity while in your braces you usually have to come in to see us to have the bracket or band removed so the dentist can repair the tooth. This can delay your orthodontic treatment.
  2. Try not to miss your appointments. Sometimes when you miss your appointment we are not able to get you rescheduled right away. This can slow things up.
  3. Avoid the chewy, sticky, hard crunchy foods. These foods will bend or break wires and loosen up bands and brackets. When the braces get damaged it can cause teeth to move the wrong way. You also have to schedule an extra appointment to have the braces repaired. It takes time to get things back on course. 
  4. If Dr. George gives you elastics to wear to improve your bite,  wear them like instructed. In some cases patients can be in their braces months longer if they are not diligent about wearing them. The braces can’t come off until you are biting correctly. The only way Dr. George has of improving your bite is by you wearing your elastics.
It will all be worth it on that happy day when the braces come off and you get to see that BIG BEAUTIFUL SMILE!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why the Photo Shoot Session?

When you come for your first appointment you might wonder, why are they taking all of these pictures? Taking photos of your teeth and facial features is all part of the very comprehensive exam that Dr. George does on all new patients.  These photos aid Dr. George in identifying and explaining the orthodontic treatment you may need.     

They also provide a record of how you or your child’s teeth and facial features were before orthodontic treatment. At the completion of treatment we will take a final series of photos. It is always exciting to see before and after pictures of our patients.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Yikes, What Can I Eat Now?

Okay now you have your braces on, does this mean no more popcorn? You’re thinking, but popcorn is my favorite food! Don’t worry. We are not going to take away your popcorn. Many foods, like popcorn you can eat but you have to do things a little bit differently with braces on. It is the hard kernels that can break the braces or bend the wire. Eat one soft kernel at a time to avoid accidentally getting a hard kernel.

A good rule to remember is to avoid foods that are hard, crunchy, chewy or sticky. When you begin your orthodontic treatment Dr. George will give you an estimate of how long you will probably be in your braces. One of the ways to keep this on track is to avoid foods that will damage the braces. When braces are broken or bent you will need to schedule an appointment to have them repaired. Sometimes we are not able to get you in right away and that can slow up your progress. A bent wire can even cause teeth to move in the wrong direction.

Sticky candy
Bubble gum
Hard nuts or chips
Hard bread
Beef jerky
Crunching on ice cubes

Apples and carrots-cut them into bite size pieces and chew them with your back teeth
Corn on the cob-cut the corn off of the cob
Popcorn-only the soft kernels
Gum-sugarless only

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Colored Braces?

Believe it or not, most children are really excited to get their braces. What is the first question they ask? Can I have colored braces? The answer to that is a definite YES!
Just in case you didn’t already know, the actual brackets or braces that are placed on the teeth are not colored. The colors are obtained by little elastics that get wrapped around each bracket. Every time your child comes for an appointment they can choose different colors. We have every color under the rainbow. They can choose their team colors, holiday colors, or go with almost any color they can imagine.
Guess what, the colored elastics are just not for the kids. Many of our adults like to go with their inner child! Go wild with colors!